Feb 22, 2013

click here for my choice. it"s a map of lyrics of songs (either still being built or woefully incomplete) as they relate to other songs with the same words in them. click on a word to see a map of other songs with the same word in the lyrics.

i chose this map because i am obsessed(slight;y) with songs and lyrics, and i like the way this lays them out and compares them to one another, creating a silent, visual representation of music. i also like the way it connects via one word only, not phrases or other larger pieces, so you get many truly unrelated things pieced together by virtue of a single word.

also, my runner up was this site, showcasing the connections between facebook friends. give it a gander as well.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing! I especially enjoy the interactive quality of the first project.
