Feb 25, 2013

artistic mapping proposal

My idea for our next project is to map my drawing process, and perhaps taking a page from Jason Salavon's work in layering pictures of a drawing at each point during the progress so that at the end, you can see vaguely each step that it takes to come up with a completed picture. this interests me because i love to draw and lately i have been experimenting with new approaches to drawing and so i decided what better to do than to combine my love for drawing with my love for digital art. might make a crazy baby, but i hope it will turn out nice.
my plan is to set up a piece of paper and a camera, and record every change i make, ever pencil/pen/marker/colpen mark that i make, and layer every image on top of one another, so that each mark that stays is darker than each subsequent mark, making a record of time within the darkness of each line. also, as i"m one of those people who erases a lot, i think there will be a few ghostly almost afterimage quality lines that would normally be lost.

Feb 22, 2013

click here for my choice. it"s a map of lyrics of songs (either still being built or woefully incomplete) as they relate to other songs with the same words in them. click on a word to see a map of other songs with the same word in the lyrics.

i chose this map because i am obsessed(slight;y) with songs and lyrics, and i like the way this lays them out and compares them to one another, creating a silent, visual representation of music. i also like the way it connects via one word only, not phrases or other larger pieces, so you get many truly unrelated things pieced together by virtue of a single word.

also, my runner up was this site, showcasing the connections between facebook friends. give it a gander as well.

Feb 20, 2013

I'm not one hundred percent happy with this, mostly as it's not as clean as I would like it to be, and I haven't had time to fiddle with it as much as I would like to make it seamless. Nevertheless.

I made this image by taking an image from princess bride, and adding over the faces of the original characters the faces of a Twilight vampire, and one old classic-looking vampire. I turned and sized each original image so that the faces would fit over the heads of the original characters, and masked out the extraneous parts. For the Twilight vampire, i had to put a hue/sat layer over it and take the saturation to 0, which i also did with the princess bride image, so they would all fit together color-wie. I also dropped the contrast on the new faces so that they matched the base image more.

These images were fair to appropriate, because I was attempting to use them in a parody. I took the images purely to make a comment about the obsession with twilight, and not to profit from them, or pass the originals off as my own. However, the parody is my own, and a different work from any of the originals.

Finally, my point was to make a comment about the obsession with all things Twilight. I used the well known fight scene from Princess Bride to do this. AND perhaps i will write more later but i have to get to class now. ;P anyway.

Feb 1, 2013

Psychological Self Portrait :P stuffs

So this is my Self portrait. Paragraphs to follow in another post. Because I want to mull it over.