Apr 10, 2013


My plan for the final project is to make a series of images, sort of like the See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil concept(or the five senses), with the pen tool. Earlier in my high school digital class, we made paintings with the pen tool, and I’d like to expand on that. I am interested in this type of process, because I’m very fond of painting and it achieves that effect.

I don’t yet have a plan for the size, but suffice it to say that I think they will be rather large. At least 24x24. I just want close ups of, say, a mouth, and to paint everything but white out the specific part in the image. My idea is still evolving so I’m not sure if it will end up like this in the end, but that’s my initial idea.

My plans regarding whether or not I appropriate imagery depend on what is out there. If I do take images off the internet, I will do so only from those who offer their images as stock use. If I cannot find what I need from these sources, then I will make my own images.

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