Apr 23, 2013

This installment was originally to explore the senses, or lack thereof. It has become an exploration in the beauty of the pen tool, and a celebration of the senses, and of colors. Its just simply a call to enjoy, and think. Be aware of what is around you. I didn't want to create any sort of really intense message or anything, but nor did I want to create a YOLO attitude. I just wanted three clean, minimal prints. If you find some deeper meaning in it, I'm glad. That is your story for these images. I want everyone to look into them and see a narrative of their own making.

Apr 17, 2013

WIP final project

I guess the sort of mood that I’m trying to put into this piece is just awareness. I want people to stop at this, and think about things. I don’t really want them to feel a certain way, although I welcome emotional response, I just want them to dive in and think.
I have a few ideas to add to the piece, but none concrete, and I actually feel I should discuss them with the class, to really decide in full.
I really want to print this piece fairly large, at least life size, because the subjects are meant to reflect in some way on everyone.
I do not have any alternate plans for the presentation, at this stage. It may develop later.
What I really want in terms of feedback from my classmates is just a sounding board. I have some ideas for what I might do, and I’d appreciate a group to bounce these ideas off of.

Apr 10, 2013


My plan for the final project is to make a series of images, sort of like the See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil concept(or the five senses), with the pen tool. Earlier in my high school digital class, we made paintings with the pen tool, and I’d like to expand on that. I am interested in this type of process, because I’m very fond of painting and it achieves that effect.

I don’t yet have a plan for the size, but suffice it to say that I think they will be rather large. At least 24x24. I just want close ups of, say, a mouth, and to paint everything but white out the specific part in the image. My idea is still evolving so I’m not sure if it will end up like this in the end, but that’s my initial idea.

My plans regarding whether or not I appropriate imagery depend on what is out there. If I do take images off the internet, I will do so only from those who offer their images as stock use. If I cannot find what I need from these sources, then I will make my own images.

Apr 8, 2013


so here is the song that reminds me of this project, and that inspired the name. here

Apr 1, 2013

Technoscape/ Digital Nation

So first off, for the technoscape project, i do not plan at this tie to appropriate any imagery.I also do not really want to do a pro- or anti-technology sort of piece, although I imagine it will come off as pro-technology. My plan is simply to take pictures (not sure what kind yet) and put them together in some way (either as a gif or a still image) that would not be possible without technology. I plan to make something aesthetically pleasing, yet completely without any sort of meaning beyond that. Of course, as I work and procure pictures, some sort of meaning will work its way ito the piece, but im not planning that at present.

In response to Digital Nation
Some real benefits of technology seem to be in the way we can use the advances to make ourselves into smarter, healthier people. We can save more lives, and even save more minds than we previously could without such advances. The price of these amazing computer age things is the addiction that the world seems to be developing. Addiction in any form is inherently a bad thing, and it seems to be telling us that this technology is great, in moderation.
The way technology has changed the making of art is obvious. We can use computer programs to create modified images, even images from scratch, that don’t exist in the physical world. By extension, this changes how we view art, because instead of needing it to be physically in front of us, it can be viewed in cyberspace, or under the guise of a video game. Prints of art that might have had to be printed and shipped from one central location can now be produced at any printer you have access to. In this way, we have access to a much wider array of art, and a many more ways to create and share that art with the world.