Mar 26, 2013

This project was inspired by a few crazy daydreams in the middle of the night, and cyriak, which is kind of the same thing.
So, i decided im going to type more later. on my home computer. at my home. later. yeah.

Mar 20, 2013

so here we are. a photographer that my dad found somehow this monday, and i fell in love with. i know this doesnt relate to our assignment, but its too cool. his name is Thomas JORION. check him out.

Mar 6, 2013

artistic mapping project

i chose to map my drawing process, because it has been evolving lately and i thought that this would add a new level to it. i started by scanning in a drawing, step by step, then layered them all together and dropped the opacity on each so they blended on top of one another.
i didnt appropriate any imagery, its all mine.
my message is pretty simple, that even the process of art can be some form of art, by showing a glimpse of how a finished product can come about.

Mar 4, 2013

four seasons

four seasons pretty obvious which is which, and why. pretty simple. huzzah.